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Elements of The Robie House that Inspired The Architect House

Written by Sofia Alonso | Oct 8, 2023 8:21:00 PM

Have you ever walked into a home and felt an immediate sense of harmony, as if the architecture itself was in tune with the natural world? Conversely, have you been in spaces that felt disjointed or out of sync with their surroundings? The difference often lies in the principles of design, which can profoundly impact how we experience a space. For many, the quest for a home that offers both aesthetic appeal and a deep sense of harmony remains elusive.

At AV Architects + Builders, we've long been students of architectural masters, drawing inspiration from their groundbreaking work to inform our own designs. One such master is Frank Lloyd Wright, whose Robie House stands as an iconic example of architecture that's in perfect harmony with nature. We've taken key elements from this masterpiece to craft our own Architect House in Northern Virginia, blending time-honored principles with modern innovation.

In this article, we'll explore the fascinating ways in which Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House has influenced our own design as seen in the Architect House. From the horizontal silhouette and long exterior brick to mirrored spaces and a seamless connection to the outdoors, we'll explore how these design elements not only pay homage to Wright's genius but also elevate the living experience in a contemporary setting. 

Frank Lloyd Wright, Frederick C. Robie House, Photo by James Caulfield

Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, an iconic piece of American architecture, has long been admired for its innovative design and intricate details. Built between 1908 and 1910, the Robie House is one of Wright's last Prairie-style homes, a style characterized by horizontal lines and flat or hipped roofs with broad overhanging eaves. The house stands as a testament to Wright's genius in harmonizing architecture with nature, a philosophy that has deeply influenced modern architecture, including the designs of AV Architects and Builders. In this article, we'll explore how the Architect House by AV Architects and Builders draws inspiration from the Robie House, focusing on key design elements such as the horizontal silhouette, long exterior brick, mirrored spaces, and the connection to the outdoors.

The Horizontal Silhouette of the Home

One of the most striking features of the Robie House is its horizontal orientation. Wright designed the house to stretch thin over the land, emphasizing the flat horizontal horizon line of the Midwest. This horizontal nature makes the house appear smaller from the outside than it actually is on the inside, a design trick that AV Architects and Builders have also employed in their Architect House. By focusing on a horizontal silhouette, both houses achieve a sense of unity with their natural surroundings, making them appear as organic extensions of the landscape rather than intrusive structures.

AV Architects + Builders, Architect House, Photo by Maxwell Mackenzie

The Long Exterior Brick

Another design element that the Architect House borrows from the Robie House is the use of long, horizontal bricks. In the Robie House, these bricks further emphasize the horizontal lines and the harmonization with nature. AV Architects and Builders have incorporated this feature to add texture and depth to the exterior, creating a visually pleasing facade that resonates with the natural environment. The long bricks serve not just an aesthetic purpose but also contribute to the overall structural integrity of the home.

Mirrored Spaces and Patterns

Frank Lloyd Wright was a master of creating fluid, organic structures. In the Robie House, he designed two rectangular wings that slide past each other, joining in the center to form the working wing and the main wing. This concept of mirrored spaces and patterns is evident in the Architect House as well. The design includes symmetrical spaces that not only create a sense of balance but also facilitate the flow of energy throughout the home. This is particularly important in maintaining a harmonious living environment, a core principle in both Wright's and AV Architects and Builders' design philosophies.

Frank Lloyd Wright, Frederick C. Robie House, Photo by James Caulfield

Connection to the Outdoors

Perhaps one of the most influential aspects of the Robie House is its seamless indoor-outdoor connection. Wright disliked creating a separation between interior and exterior spaces, opting instead for a fluid transition. The Architect House takes this concept to heart, featuring large glass doors and windows that offer scenic views and easy access to outdoor spaces. This design choice encourages residents to engage more with the outdoors, promoting a healthier lifestyle and mental well-being.

AV Architects + Builders, Architect House, Photo by Maxwell Mackenzie

The Legacy Continues

Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House is more than just a beautiful structure; it's a comprehensive design philosophy that considers not just the physical home but also the experience of living in it. From the use of horizontal lines and long bricks to the focus on mirrored spaces and indoor-outdoor connectivity, the Architect House by AV Architects and Builders pays homage to this architectural masterpiece. By drawing inspiration from the Robie House, AV Architects and Builders continue to push the boundaries of modern architecture, proving that the principles Wright established over a century ago are still profoundly relevant today.

The Architect House by AV Architects and Builders is a shining example of how the past can inform the present. By integrating key design elements from Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, the Architect House stands as a modern interpretation of timeless principles, offering a living experience that is as aesthetically pleasing as it is functionally sound.